Associated Rubber Chemicals produce a wide range of Single Dispersions like Zinc Oxide, ZDEC,ZDBC, ZMBT, Ionol LC, LATZ, No TMTD Latex Preservative, Titanium Dioxide, Sulphur, etc.
Dispersion is produced at Associated using the most modern machinery and under the supervision of Rubber Technologist with many years of experience. The dispersions meet international standards.
Composite Dispersions are specialty of Associated. The ready to use Composite Dispersions are easy to handle and the quality helps in reducing the quantity of chemicals. The dispersions are prepared with the purest of chemicals whereby they have very low toxicity. Associated also manufacture any dispersion as per need of the customer. The most common dispersions are the Glove, Industrial Glove, Housuhold Glove, Rubber band, Carpet Backing, Balloon and LATZ for latex preservation.
To know more about Associated Chemicals feel free to send a message
Assochem Chambers, Bypass, Edapally,
Kochi-682024, Kerala, India.
Phones : +91 9495999349, +91 9388610189, +91 484 2339190, +91 484 2348028
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